Hong Kong Baptist University Staff Sports Team







Staff Sports Interests Survey


表格 Form Down Load








為着鼓勵更多的教職員在工餘參予不同的運動,教職員康體聯會 進行工餘運動種類興趣調查搜集資料及整理後聯絡人 將會策劃各項體育活動及參與八大院校舉辦各項體育比賽。教職員康體聯會期望教職員體育競技賽事中,發揮浸大團隊精神 。另一方面能使教職員增強體魄,緩頻繁的工作壓力,提高工作效率及加強同事間的聯系。 




Staff Sports Team ( SST) is grouped voluntary by both teaching and non teaching staff who is enthusiastic in sports activities. The goal of SST is to build up the team work spirit, staff relationship, attain the experience of enjoying, thankful of each daily life as well as relieving the heavy work load pressure and attain the balance of human life. All survey data will give coordinators for planning of future staff sports activities .


康體聯會歡迎你下表格,填妥後交回 pauliney@hkbu.edu.hk


Please download Form, fill data and return it to   pauliney@hkbu.edu.hk

 聯絡人 :

李廣程工程師 (足球),    邵慰慈博士 (排球),      楊寶玲 (羽毛球),    林志偉 (兵乓球)

 Ir. K C Lee (Soccer),             Dr. WC shiu (Volley),             Pauline Yeung (Badm.),    CW Lam (T. Tennis)


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